Posts Tagged 'President'

2008 Elections

I would have thought up a catchy title for this one but I’m drawing a blank, no pun intended. Also the current title is quite Google-able.

The 2008 election is something that is going to make history. This is revolutionary. The next four years are going to be four years of change in every level of government. Our new president has done nothing but preach change, a lot of your local and state representatives have been talking about change. The men, and woman, that I voted for today wanted change.

I’ve been watching the news with my girlfriend for the last few hours and I’ve been updating on twitter on local and national news. For example, Mitch Daniels is Governor for Indiana again, and he seems like a very capable man with what he’s shown us so far. I was excited to find out that Obama won the election. I ran into the living room where the rest of my family and friends were sitting, jumping up and down and yelling, I wonder how many other Americans across the country I shared that one moment with, I called one of my dear friends to let him know just in case he stepped away from the television. I then cracked open a Sam Adams, checked twitter, then I dashed straight to the blogs.

I’m very excited to learn that Obama won, but can you doubt it? Did you ever have one moment where you doubted this was possible? Look at the impact this man has had already. In the state of Indiana alone the number of early voters has reached an all time high. And who wast he man urging people to go out and vote early? The number of young voters voting today, and all of the young people voting early is also set a new record. Who was the one man urging all of us, young and old, to go out and vote early because every one of those votes count.

In some cities in Indiana there were enormous lines where people had to wait several hours to vote early. I know for a fact Obama supporters have been calling me every day telling me that I could go out and vote early, and I would have had my car been running, and letting me know that my vote counts. How could you ever doubt Barack Obama when you can see all of the people he’s influenced and all the impact he’s made so far? All the change wrought, and all of the potential change to come? It doesn’t matter all the true negative things that have been said about this man, or any of the propaganda, all that matters now is that The United States of America is going to become a better place. As of a little after 10:00 P.M. Eastern Standard time the change has begun.

But don’t think that just because Obama won that its time to stop believing. Rejoice tonight but tomorrow we’ve all got hard work again tomorrow. We’ve all got to work harder than ever because of the fact that something has happened that nobody in America ever thought to be achieved. Please don’t be a fence sitter or a warm weather fan. There are still going to be many bitter people and many nay-sayers. Every wrong thing that happens between now and 2012 is going to be pinned on the shoulders of Barack Obama. This man has had our support for a long time now, but now that he’s achieved his victory he’ll need our support now more than ever.

And one final thing, there are many of us Obama supporters, and we’re rejoicing now. But that means that there are also many, many people now who are dissapointed, even crying over the fact that their man has lost. Please don’t take this opportunity to rub it in their faces. The man we’ve pinned our hopes on is all about change, would it be right for us to gloat about his victory? Just because Barack Obama won the election doesn’t mean that you should add to the disappointment of the McCain supporters. Keep that in mind tomorrow when you go to school and work.

And one final thing that I am a firm believer in. for all of you who are angry about McCain losing. If you did not vote, you have no right to bitch, to complain, to whine about the results of election. and if you did not vote, you have no right to bitch, to whine, to complain about anything that happens over the next four years.

I’m going to get off my soapbox for now. I’m drawing a blank, and I’ve a beer to finish so I’ll see you next time.


May 2024

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